As the Jewish world descends into quarantine, one of the fields that has been impacted the most is of course Jewish education. Schools are shut down, children are at home, and institutions are scrambling to keep kids engaged and connected.

Torah learning as a whole has received a tremendous blow, with shiurim and chaburos cancelled and entire shuls locked down and vacant.

Right now, the key to continuing some semblance of routine and keeping Torah learning alive is harness the positive power of online tools. Podcasts, specifically, are a powerful way to share classes and content on a broad scale, and now is the perfect time for mechanchim and educators to adopt this new medium for disseminating their content.


Signing up for a podcast is easy. allows you to sign up in seconds and start creating your own show and sharing recordings.

Uploading your recordings is as simple as recording yourself with any smartphone and then uploading the file with just a few clicks. Once it’s live, your episode will be instantly available on your own show website, as well as syndicated to every popular podcast app, including iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, and many more.

Podcasts are a powerful educational medium. The audio is less distracting than video, and students can take notes along the way. A student can pause an episode and their place will be saved when they resume listening at a later time. Best of all, there is no need for live broadcast – students can tune in at their own time, make up for missed classes if that should occur, and don’t need to jam up a phone line by calling in.


With ad-powered free plans and a choice of paid plans to fit your needs, now is the time to start a podcast of your own and reach your talmidim no matter where they are in the world. Whether you’re a cheder Rebbe, a seminary teacher, or a daf yomi magid shiur, don’t let the Corona virus hinder Torah learning, create a podcast today and keep the fire of Torah burning!