As the Siyum of Shabbos rapidly approaches, thousands of Jews all over the world will be renewing their commitment to a new Daf Yomi tractate Hundreds of Magidei Shiurim will be starting Eruvin, sharing their Torah with their local community. And what better way to spread your Torah further than with a podcast?
What’s a podcast?
A podcast is essentially a way to stream your content to individuals wherever they are in the world, on whatever app they prefer to use. They don’t need to be at your shul, visit your website, or even sign in at a specific time, to be able to hear your Shiur.
Podcasts evolved out of the traditional radio show, powered by technology’s advancements into the world of streaming content. There’s no need to download content anymore – everything is available instantly on iTunes, Spotify, or any one of a number of podcasting apps that people already have and use.
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Why Podcasts Are Perfect for Daf Yomi Shiurs
There are lots of reasons why a podcast is a perfect extension of your in-person shiur. With very little additional effort, you’ll be making your shiur available to people all over the world, whenever and wherever they choose to interact with it.
One of the most difficult parts of a podcast is the process of sitting down and actually recording – but you’ll be doing this anyway, so just hitting “record” and then uploading your audio will entail very little additional effort.
You probably have people who love your shiur but can’t always make it. Maybe they’re traveling, or sick, or have a conflicting appointment at that specific time. Maybe they visited your shiur from out of town but would love to keep listening. A podcast makes it possible for them to stay connected.
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You don’t need special technology to create a Daf Yomi Podcast
You may have an image of a fancy recording studio or expensive sound equipment. The truth is, that any phone or MP3 player can be used to record the audio for a podcast. You may actually have already been recording your shiurim before.
The files just need to be uploaded to your podcast page to be available to everyone in the world. If you have previously recorded content, that too can be uploaded to create an archive of content that listeneres can easily access.
How to create a Daf Yomi Pocast with Jewish Podcasts
Jewish podcasts is a platform created to help spread Torah through the power of podcasts. We offer easy to use technology and extensive support to help you launch, maintain, and grow your daf Yomi podcast.
Getting started is a simple as signing up, getting your own custom account on the Jewish Podcasts network, and uploading your first show. Within days, you’ll be able to find your content everywhere from iTunes to iHeartRadio, and track how many people are listening and where they are located in the world.
Click here to start your own Podcast!
We even offer a plan that helps you fundraise for your podcast, tapping into your listener’s generosity to keep your show running and thriving.
Contact us today to speak to a Podcasting specialist about your show and needs.
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